I’ve Reached the End

I’m waiting.

It’s been a great ride. I thoroughly enjoyed each episode. All twelve of them. Free! Iwatobi Swim Club had their last episode air today. I remember when this show used to be a simple 30 second commercial that has no voices or anything. Just images. And tumblr went wild. I’m glad that it was animated and published. Thanks to it, I had a place to cool down after a studying like crazy over the summer break.

But it’s sad. I feel like I grew up with these guys. Mostly because, emotionally, I did. It can be considered a shounen show, but it definitely has a larger female fanbase and is oriented more for the females. The characters are accurately muscular (unlike Dragon Ball Z) and the show is fully revolving around the sport of the show: swimming.

I was asked to describe this show by my brother. I wanted to say it was about swimming, but it really wasn’t. It was more about Haru and Rin’s character development. Not to mention the angst of Makoto and his trauma. And the cuteness that is Rei and Nagisa. I feel like a lot of us were expecting something like Kuroko no Basket, but it played a lot more with our emotions.

It was raw.

It was well done for a twelve episode show. It didn’t feel rushed at all! (Compared to Korra which I thought was too rushed and predictable.) Maybe it was just me, but there were part of the show I hadn’t expected. Plot twist were one thing but there were differences in initial characterization of each guy and their actual personality. Things were well done and I feel sad saying “good bye”. (It’s almost like when I said bye to Fullmetal Alchemist. Almost.)

But I have reached the end. Until NEXT SUMMER!