Phonebanking. Meh.

In total, I’ve done six hours of calling people. If you think about how long it takes for a phone to go to voice mail (about 30 seconds) and how long it takes when people actually pick up (about 90 seconds), I called way more people than I ever want to. I’ve practically memorized the automatic voice mail and hate the dial ringing as I wait for the person to answer the phone.

I did talk to quite a few interesting people. No one completely rude though. There was this one woman who said she knew the candidate personally and saw him every other day or something. I thought it was odd and hilarious. Another grandmother figure made me very sad. I asked how she was doing and she replied with, “Not very well actually”. It nearly broke my heart.

I actually was surprised on how many people answer their phones. My family tends to answer our phones if it’s not a 1-800 number. But there would be times where I would go through a whole list without a person answering. Not to mention how many phones were disconnected. But compared to canvassing, in which you go door-to-door, I liked sitting in a chair and dialing number. I got quite good at pressing buttons on a flip phone. It was much harder to do on my iPhone.

I have four more hours left. I don’t know what I want to do. I have until the end of October when the whole project and ten hours are due.

I’ve Reached the End

I’m waiting.

It’s been a great ride. I thoroughly enjoyed each episode. All twelve of them. Free! Iwatobi Swim Club had their last episode air today. I remember when this show used to be a simple 30 second commercial that has no voices or anything. Just images. And tumblr went wild. I’m glad that it was animated and published. Thanks to it, I had a place to cool down after a studying like crazy over the summer break.

But it’s sad. I feel like I grew up with these guys. Mostly because, emotionally, I did. It can be considered a shounen show, but it definitely has a larger female fanbase and is oriented more for the females. The characters are accurately muscular (unlike Dragon Ball Z) and the show is fully revolving around the sport of the show: swimming.

I was asked to describe this show by my brother. I wanted to say it was about swimming, but it really wasn’t. It was more about Haru and Rin’s character development. Not to mention the angst of Makoto and his trauma. And the cuteness that is Rei and Nagisa. I feel like a lot of us were expecting something like Kuroko no Basket, but it played a lot more with our emotions.

It was raw.

It was well done for a twelve episode show. It didn’t feel rushed at all! (Compared to Korra which I thought was too rushed and predictable.) Maybe it was just me, but there were part of the show I hadn’t expected. Plot twist were one thing but there were differences in initial characterization of each guy and their actual personality. Things were well done and I feel sad saying “good bye”. (It’s almost like when I said bye to Fullmetal Alchemist. Almost.)

But I have reached the end. Until NEXT SUMMER!

It’s Crazy

I’ve seen her face once. And she’s practically my twin. Maybe it’s just one sided. But we’ve bonded over some crazy stuff.

She’s my tumblr friend and she lives in Canada. The time difference is about two hours, so not too bad. We’re the same age and approximately have the same birthday. She is white (I’m Korean) but I mean…whatever. The characters we role play are dating and we fawn over them so much. We have the same interests and the have the same feels for similar things. I really enjoy talking to her and she’s just the best.

Of course, I think it’s a bit crazy cause I’ve never really met her. And people used to say “don’t talk to online strangers”. But she’s like my missing twin sister that I always wished I had. I mean, I have great friends as school, but the only other person I can talk to about shippings and such is my gay friend. And it’s different than having another girl to go crazy with.


So since I’m a senior, I still have SATs to take. However, I missed the regular registration. And my mom yelled and I cried. Then my dad was generous enough to break the tension by saying I should just register late. That it’s okay. But It’s not okay. My dad’s having a hard time looking for work. He does home repair stuff and things have been slow. He used to work under a company but he got in a dispute with his boss. So yeah…and I’m not really supposed to know. Well, I’m the only child that knows and there are three of us. Plus my grandmother who is in a rehab center.

But I missed the late registration by one day. ONE DAY! This breaks my heart more than anything. My plans have been ruined by one day. (Not to mention I lost an election yesterday.) I’m okay with the whole “everyone must be seated before the waitlist people can be” but it’s the cost. The original cost is $51…but this is $96.

I did make a post on my tumblr and everyone is super sweet. They made my “read more” post into a signal boost. (Read More is a option you can do to make parts of the post hidden.) But seeing that is was reblogged and signal boosted, that means my followers read it. Even though I have no expectations, I’m really glad that people care. I’m gonna tell my folks later…

Strangest Dream By Far

I have no clue where this came from. But I was dreaming about Martin Freeman. Maybe it’s because it’s that time of month and my hormones are greater, but in my dream, I went to bed with Martin. Well, technically we only did foreplay, but I’ll explain it from the top.

So there’s a hotel that I was staying at with my family. (I guess we were on a trip.) And this hotel has a VIP room on the ground level next to the main lobby elevator. Slightly strange but it’s a dream. The only way your can enter the room is if your ID is previous inputted into the system. There are two doors. The first door is glass, and it leads into a compartment before the actual room. So I guess like a foyer. And the room is round like those spinning doors. I’m ushered in, and we lay in the bed. I’m in a towel for some strange reason.  I hadn’t even showered inside this VIP hotel room. But I have my front covered and my back is towards Martin. I think he slaps my butt or something but the pain feels good. And then he started kissing my back which also feels good. It’s so strange. And then I grab his balls. And it’s like solid. (I don’t know if that’s how it works.) And then I like grind myself on him. Well I try to. And then time skip.

I don’t think I did it with Martin. But I meet back up with my family and they are suspicious on where I went. Sigh. WHAT IS THIS DREAM? I don’t even like Martin Freeman that much. I mean, I totally fangirl over his Watson, but I’ve NEVER thought “I’d tap that”. Hmmm…And although I say it was Martin, it’s just head knowledge I had in the dream. It didn’t look like Martin Freeman…

Where is the Love?

Search for Love

Just one of those days. Not only did I have a strenous workload today at school with multiple quizzes. I had to cope with some conflicting news.

Putting my religion aside, I consider myself a conservative person when it comes to relationships. Or maybe it’s just the girl in me that wishes for that bit of sweet romance. But the concept of “first times” are supposed to be special, right?

It could be something small like holding hands. Or kissing. Or even hugs. I’ve definitely noticed. The more something occurs, the more common it gets. It, at least for me, doesn’t have the same heart throbbing affect. It becomes easier to do.

So let me talk about the real topic here: sex. Gasp! I mentioned it. Sex.

Sex is becoming more frequent in unmarried couples these days. It’s great that they can be intimate with each other. But where is the love? With physical intimacy comes greater responsibilities and deeper emotional attachment. I might be one of the extremes in thinking that sex brings more conflicting emotions. And it might be strange to read that when I know people who are casual with sex, I cry for them.

They might not regret the choices they made, but there is always an attachment that goes with sex. People are prone to jealousy and posessiveness. With sex, everything is lain out for your partner. But will they cherish and protect that vunerability? At the moment that person is your entire world, but then are you going to marry them?

I think there is a reason relationships gets strange after a break up. Isn’t it because you have memories of being intimate with a person who is no longer close to your heart anymore? Then imagine knowing that a person you don’t care for anymore knows your kinks and such in bed. What if you remain good friends even after breaking it off? And then dating another person. Your present lover will have a better reason to be jealous. I don’t know about your guys, but I do not want my boyfriend knowing the figure of another woman.

I guess I’m just conflicted about my friends already having sex. I think they are worth so much more than to be simply having sex with their lovers. I’m that friend that threatens the lover and makes sure to keep them in line. I never like my friends’ lovers very much. Cause my friends are worth it. They need to be treasured, and I don’t know if their lover understands that. I don’t know if they will treat their lover as they would a million dollar check. Cause if they don’t, they can think twice about dating my friend nonchalantly. Not to mention will they ever get near their chastity.

The World’s End


Holy…this movie! It had my favorite actors: Martin Freeman and Simon Pegg!!! So I was excited for this movie. Plus, it was my first R-rated movie. In my 17 years of living. I know, I know. Kinda lame but whatever.

It was a good movie to be honest. It had the humor and the sweet side romance that didn’t draw away from the plot. It had the action and the sorta gore. (They were robots with blue blood/ink.) and it had the sensitive moments.

So all in all it was a pretty good movie. I know I was vague but I didn’t want to spoil it for anyone. It was one of those satisfying movies that you would see again with a new group of friend.

Oh! Btw I was carded for the first time. I was kinda happy.

The Voice

I’m freaking out guys. My friend, the one I mentioned before, just sent me the test voice of one of her animated character. He has a slight British accent and is absolutely adorable. It’s not just the guy’s voice itself, but the fact that this is happening. I’m not even making it happen yet I’m super glad for my friend. She’s been telling me about these characters ever since we got to know each other. (It’s been six years.) I hope she wins this contest, and I hope she actually gets to finish everything!