People Legend

List of Immediate Family–

Father: There are a lot of disagreements I have with him (e.g. sexism, xenophobia).

Mother: I wish she could break out of the patriarchy.

Brother (20): His pride, hypocrisy, and lack of responsibility bothers me.

Sister (13): I wish she continues to be empowered.

List of Friends–

“Gay friend”/ “Celebrity”: My male best friend who I met in my high school Japanese class. We attend college together.

“Nurse”: My female best friend who I met in my high school Orchestra class. She is studying to be a nurse, obviously.

“Big”: She is my KSA big, whom I love. She is an inspiration, truly.

“Bae”/ “Ex-Bae”: My boyfriend/ex-boyfriend from college who I met at KSA.

“K.S.”/ “Apple Pie”: My current partner from college who I met at KSA. I like the term partner, though I do call him my boyfriend as well.