O Sir, Be Kind

O sir, be kind
Be kind to yourself
Be kind to others
Be kind to me
Be kind to my heart

Because my heart is tender
Tender from the rough hands that tugged at it
Tugged at it wondering what other tricks it can learn
But a heart can do but one thing
That is Love

Love until it has bled everything
Love until life is given back to dead hearts
But this heart cannot live without love either

So please kind, kind sir
Show this heart some kindness, and pity it

Do not be stern
Do not enforce yourself

What those rough hands also did not know were that hearts…

Hearts are timid
Hearts hide behind scars and callouses from the rough hands that pulled, scratched, and even tore
Hearts hide behind laughter and joy
Hearts are all of these
But more importantly, a heart is a soul

A soul of a person
Please, sir
Be kind
For many hands have been rough and unknowing

Curious hands make for lacking love
And lacking love kills a heart

Sir, the sad thing is, souls only have one heart

Souls were only created with one heart although it is the most important
Strangely, the more important things are, the less of them there isOr perhaps, because there is only one, it is important

So kind sir, please be gentle with the single hearts
Hearts are not build with bone but flesh
And kind sir, flesh is soft

The rough hands to toss this heart were careless, but kind sir, please be careful
I give my heart to you

But be kind
Be kind, good sir

Or you will be the rough hands to the next kind sir